The Veldt Analysis

Words: 914
Pages: 4

Since the 1900’s the human race has been trying to improve our lives by making technological advancements, from the phone, to radio, to the TV. Each work surpassing the next, humans turn out one technology advancement after the next, to make life easier and less difficult for us. But if our skill to evaluate gets taken away, where would that put us? Our ability to analyze critically would disappear. And where would the human race be if all we did was rely on technology to entertain us and failed to use our imaginations? The destruction and devastation of technology have already been shown to us, through mobile phones and their addicting ways, affecting people’s moods, eyesight and social interactions. Consequently, over using technology is …show more content…
“The Veldt” shows a prime example of children who are addicted to technology to the point of death. When their father threatens to turn off the “nursery”, a room that turn the imagination into reality, they beg and plead “Just a moment, just one moment, just another moment of the nursery,” they wailed.” (p. 9) for the room to be kept on a little while longer. Once the father realizes his mistake, him and the mother quickly run the nursery to get their children, but a devastating surprise awaits them. Foreshadowing this exact moment by Mr Hadley say “Those screams - they sound familiar.” (p.6) early in the story, we the audience learn why,“Mr. Hadley looked at his wife and they turned and looked back at the beasts edging slowly forward crouching, tails stiff. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley screamed. And suddenly they realized why those other screams sounded so familiar,” (p.10) it was their own screams, the cries of agony and terror from being mutilated by lions. Their children were so obsessed with the technology that when their loving father simply wanted to spend quality time with them, their first instinct was to kill him to keep him from taking the technology away. Although in our present world few would actually kill their own parents over electronics, countless would harm and scream to get to keep the electronics. This …show more content…
Unfortunately, when one tries to do more than one task at a time, nothing gets done completely right. “How the Internet is Making Us Stupid” shows that people are prone to trying to multitask when they are dealing with and handling electronics. “You know what to put here.” Our minds aren’t meant to handle more than one job at a time, and when our attention is pulled away from one task, the other can’t get done. Electronics alway pull one’s attention away during important situations and it is extremely devastating to the user. Important information is lost and cannot be obtained, leaving one helpless and lost in the situation. A simple time limit on technology would be exceptionally beneficial to all, allowing extra time to be put towards other activities and