The author followed this with a few graphics of the Ebola-infected cells which I did not find quite pleasing and I quickly skimmed through those few pages. Even though the scientists spent a lot of time and energy into trying to solve the Ebola case, it is still unsolved today as it is unknown whether the virus has the ability to spread through the air or mutate to affect humans as it did to the facility monkeys. Before ending the book, the author ends the story with a short story of his own experience when visiting Kitum Cave where it could possibly be the hot zone source of the Marburg virus and a memorable intimation. He states that the Ebola virus had traveled all the way from the forests to the facility and back, suggesting that the Ebola has the possibility of coming back to haunt humans. The last few statements of the book gave me something to think about and the realization of the capability of viruses. The book was a great book overall. It certainly gave me a lot of new knowledge and made me curious about new things I have never thought