The Warriors Of Qiugang Analysis

Words: 806
Pages: 4

In “The Warriors of Qiugang: A Chinese Village Fights Back” a chemical plant came into a village and polluted everything. Such as the water and peoples yard to grow plants. By breathing the air people are getting cancer because the air is toxic and many people are dying. The pollution starting getting bad in 2003. The people who lives in the village fight chemical plant to leave but nothing happen. In the 1970s they had everything as in they could grow corps and grains. Zhang educated himself in China federal environmental laws and started to fight for his village where he was born. Zhang decided to go to meeting environmental meeting so he knows how to fight against the chemical plant. The first couple time he went to fight to the government he got declined that the chemical plant is not going to move. So the third time the village had a meeting and decided that they are going to have people sign their names and put a finger print next to their name, they had 1800 people sign his petition and the village had 1876 people living in the village this also include children. In December 20, 2008 the chemical plant close down and moved few miles away from the village. The chemical plant left waste behind and the …show more content…
And if they go over the pollution rate the factories could get billed. The government can also start restricting cars on the road so that people start using buses or bikes. They could start doing this by issuing some car to be on the road and the other people who has a car could carpool together and if the government catches an unissued car they could get fined for it. The environmental expert could make more complains to stop factories from polluting so much and make China shut down factories so that other countries don’t get there goods for cheap price and stop making children doing the work and getting pay less then minimum