The Wednesday Wars: Holling Hoodhood Analysis

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Pages: 2

In some families, like Holling Hoodhood’s, one of the children’s guardians only finds their occupation congenial, though not their consanguinity. In the inception of “The Wednesday Wars” novel, Holling comes to his father for guidance because he assumes Mrs. Baker is out to get him. Mr. Hoodhood immediately acknowledges him by informing Holling that he has a business contract with Mrs. Baker’s brother, and he had better not dilapidate it for Hoodhood and Associates. He argues, “So Holling, what did you do that might make Mrs. Baker hate your guts, which will make other Baker family members hate the name of Hoodhood…”(8) Mr. Hoodhood also doesn’t respect that his sole son is going on his first date. He inquires, “Meryl Lee Kowalski, the daughter of Paul Kowalski of Kowalski and Associates?”(137) Holling’s father also disregards picking Holling up from the theater because has something more significant to be doing. Holling remarks, “My father wasn’t there.”(88) All people should be more beholden for their family as they are. They should also be gratified that their father isn’t like Mr. Hoodhood, of Hoodhood and Associates.
One of the Hoodhood’s biggest family issues is that they never communicate
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Mr. Hoodhood never even gives a second thought about not letting Heather be a flower child. He simply states, “No, you're not a flower child.”(36) He also doesn't try to work out his problems with Heather. He just lets her run away from home. Heather writes in her note, “By the time you read this, I will be somewhere on the highway with Chit.” Mr. Hoodhood also doesn't understand Holling when Mr. Hoodhood remarks, “You think that's how you become a man, by chanting a few prayers?”(260) Holling retaliates, “You think you become a man by getting a job as an architect?”(260) Everyone should appreciate the involved parents that they have, because some people aren't as lucky as they