Furthermore, her mental state is not quite at 100% and her moral values are already on the decline. Emily’s public image was broken down after the end of the story when the towns’ people invade Emily’s house uninvited and discovered how hurt Emily’s mindset was diminished all those years. The towns’ people find out Emily’s obsession with her future lover. Although people might have thought she was crazy for sleeping with a dead body at first, they soon realized that after Emily’s father passed away, she had no one to go to. This clearly states she is crazy due to lack of communication with people. So for the next forty or fifty years of her life, she was lonely and when she happened to pass away, everyone living in the town went to her funeral. Now Emily’s mental stability has troubled her life since her condition caused her to deliberately kill a man and preserve his body which led to the act of sleeping next to him. But Emily’s moral values had some sense to it in her own way. She thought of a plan to make Homer hers forever because she bought poison to kill him. Although this is a terrible thing to do, Emily realized what she was doing and she wanted to go forward with her plan because she thought it would be the best outcome for her personal