Many black, male critics disagreed with the way Hurston chose to portray African American males in her book - uneducated with language that even for some readers it was hard to digest. “In the first forty years, it was often skirted or misjudged by the black male critics who provided the preponderance of comment on black literature.” (Cyrene N. …show more content…
Like any other relationship, there will be tribulations and as Robert Hemenway would illustrates the two as “full of jealousness, misunderstandings, amidst great love and passion.” (Thomas Mcglamery) Hurston wrote in her 1942 autobiography, Dust Tracks, that Hunter was,“intellectually quick and physically beautiful” however she recognized that their lively romance wasn’t going to work when he asked Hurston to abandon her career to get married. “I really wanted to do anything he wanted me to do,” she stated,“but that one thing I could not do.” Similarly, Janie marries three husbands and meets TeaCake when he is fairly