Theology: Shift Work and Schedule Essay

Submitted By dab226
Words: 828
Pages: 4


How To Make the Schedule: 1. On Saturday, create and initialize the schedule; e-mail all active members to post. To create the schedule: go to “manage schedules,” scroll to the bottom, create your schedule starting and ending on Sunday at 8 am. If you have a schedule created with certain non-standard shifts, mirror the schedule from the previous week’s id number (right now, we are on 162). Do NOT mirror availabilities or crews. Over the summer, the default schedule is fine. At the beginning of each semester, you will need to create a new custom schedule 2. On Tuesday Morning (by 12), email everyone again and remind them to post by midnight. 3. On Wednesday morning, make the schedule. Follow all the rules; don’t make illegal crews if you can’t fill it legally, just leave gaps. More details on that below. Email it to your VP for approval, then email it the membership, and let them know of gaps. 4. Remind the 80s and 81s of gaps throughout the week. 5. Repeat, weekly!!!

Other (VERY IMPORTANT) advice. 1) Don’t take things too personally, 80s and 81s get cranky when asked to ride 2) Sending emails is okay, but try not to overwhelm everyone and consolidate them 3) One weekend night should be for a probie 80, and one for a probie 81 AND a member of the weekend night shift priority list- the list of 82’s interested in leading calls, being LEMTS and later becoming 80s 4) Schedule the probie 80 and 81 as much as possible- they will come off of probation sooner and can ride with anyone 5) Probationary 80s can only ride with CC drivers, probationary 81s can only ride with 80s that are also 81s (ACCs that can drive)—there are exceptions to this rule such as partial probationary status and CC approval/ DO approval based on availability. For instance, if only a probie 80 is signed up with a non CC driver, SOMETIMES permission can be granted- but you cannot schedule these two together. Use the scheduling spreadsheet of probationary status as reference 6) Remind frequently and enforce scheduling rules 7) The crews should have at least 1 female or 1 male, so schedule the 80s and 81s first, and if they are both male try to schedule a female 82, and if they are both female, try to schedule a male 82. 8) If you are giving back to back shifts it is easiest to give a night/morning shift, or a morning/afternoon (sometimes afternoon, night if no other option) 9) Remind 80s and 81s that once the schedule is sent out that it is their responsibility to fill their shift UNLESSS they are experiencing some sort of emergency 10) Dropped 82s have to take their name off of both schedules (office + online) and email you, the scheduler. Next, you email assistants from GENI (or summer if in summer time) to fill the shift. Alternatively, I have been looking at the people who posted for the shift in question and then e-mailing the 82(s) who hasn’t had a shift