Theories That Justify The State

Submitted By Strawques
Words: 1116
Pages: 5

- Authority is the right to exercise power. There are three authority traditional, charismatic legal rational or bureaucratic


- This entails having ultimate and independent rights. A sovereign is a supreme law making authority. There are two dimensions of sovereignty. That is internal and external.

Types of sovereignty.

(1) Parliamentary - it implies that power to make decisions in vested in the parliament. That is a parliamentary form of governance. - This is where people voted for their members of parliament where parliament elects a prime minister. (2) Popular - this is a system where power is vested in the people. (3) Political - this is having the independence to governance yourselves without interference from internal or external. - Legal De jury is the theoretical right to govern.

De facto means actual sovereignty being practiced. Its approached in teo ways. (I) does the governing power have efficient strength or capacity to compile the citizens obedience. (II) Are the subjects able to be obedient.

# The State And the Theories Of The State#

- It is a political entity which consist of the population and

What is a government?

- It is a body of people who are mandate to run the affairs of the state.

What is a Nation?

- This is a cultural entity over a given territory. This implies a state with one identifiable culture.

Theories that justify the state.

#Classic theory


- He wrote his argument and said that government should save people in a better manner. He defined democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. - The distinct features of democracy are freedom and equality. - He defined it further as the rule of the free people who govern themselves either directly or through there representatives in their own interest.

Why doesn't plato consider democracy?

- Although freedom is of true value, democracy involves the danger of excessive freedom which could at times lead to "Anarchy." Like in the case of Libya and Gadafi. Plato argued that in as much as democracy was good, it gave chance to an abuse of freedom. - Equality related to the belief that everyone has a right and equal capacity to rule it brings to politics all kinds of power seeking individuals motivated by personal gain rather than public good.

- Based on these arguments, Plato said that democracy needed to be checked and analyzed. - He argued that those whoa re educated are supposed to be top class and given the mandate of ruling a state. "The Philosopher Kings" The strong ones where charged with the security of the state. He argued that leadership or governing of a state should be given to the learned because they have the skills to run the activities of the state in a more productive way.

Friday - 24th April, 2015


- Karl Marx wrote his ideas in the time of industrialization or industrial revolution. Out of this changes with society - For Marx, a state is a creation as a result of two conflicting groups that emerge out of a capitalist economy. The central institution of the capitalist state is in the private sector. This system is where capital is owned by a minority of the population. Our of the capitalist state two classes emerged. 1. The owners of the means of production were the boguoueses also called the capitalists. 2. Workers - these had the labour to offer also known as prontaliates" - He argued that the owners of the means of production controlled the state. Under socialism workers realise that they are being exploited and they start fighting for theor rights. - The profit made by capitalists was called__________ - Labour power is the ability of workers to do their jobs. - Imperialism is actually a term that means that we are actually still under colonialism in one way or the other because they are developed. Its indirect control.


- This is a system were every citizen is allowed to participate in