Tibetan People In America Research Paper

Words: 647
Pages: 3

Being a Tibetan in America is a struggle that many people do not know or understand. Over ninety percent of the Tibetan population is located in Tibet and the others are scattered across the world, with the majority living in America. America was one of the countries that gave Tibetans a chance at a new life. Many Tibetans took that offer graciously and have lived happy lives, however they do not ignore that fact that they are still Tibetan and that their culture is beautiful and sacred. While being in the land of promise, many Tibetans still face a feeling of false identity. As I was growing up in America, I witnessed people assume the race of another just by the color of their skin or the slant of one's eyes. It did not really hit me until middle school when I realized that I too was being classified as “Chinese”. Before people introduced themselves to me they assumed that I was Chinese. As a middle schooler I looked at it as if it was a joke and shrugged it off. However, within the past five years I have taken offense to the ignorance of people. It seems as if people believe that all asians are Chinese, because China is the biggest Asian country with the largest …show more content…
Many students do not catch it, but to those that do, it feels as if no one truly cares about your country. It feels as if they see Tibet as another land mass when in reality the country of Tibet brings a lot to the countries of the Asian country. The major rivers in Asia originate from the Himalayas, which come through Tibet and branch out to the other countries. Some teachers most likely are trying to include everything in their curriculum, however if a unit takes more time than usual and reaching a deadline, it seems as if though they cut the information of Tibet. China and India have immense history compared to the other countries of Asia, however Tibet is on par with the amount of history and culture it