On Wikipedia's definitive list of cult classic movies, he has filled five spots which are the same amount of movies that Alfred Hitchcock and Quentin Tarantino has. Hitchcock is one of the leading iconic directors in film history, and Tarantino is the significantly known director in film history. According to Voice of America News, a makeover in director gave the classic 1960s television show The Dark Shadows new horror, is what one article said about the movie Tim Burton released in 2012 (Voice). Burton cast Johnny Depp as the main character and put a twist on the show that made the viewers both old and new fall in love with the story line again. One article even stated that "He is the best director of such cult favorite films such as Betelgeuse, Batman, Edward Scissorhands, The Corpse Bride and much anonymous (Anonymous). Burton is considered by so many as a master in creating iconic films that have captivated audiences of all ages. When Burton was a child he was quite fond of classic horror movies, which has most likely led to how he is so amazing at making films that are so similar to those he watched as a child. An example of this would be Vincent, a narrative about a little boy who looks up to, Vincent Price who was a particularly prominent figure in early horror film making, the same way that Burton looked up to him. Vincent Price was actually named the king of horror ("Tim Burton" Box Office).
Tim Burton is the best modern stop-motion artist, his powerful dark films revolutionized “creepy” movies, and his deranged view on cult classics has made them much more popular: these factors have proven that Burton has made many contributions to the movie industry. In conclusion, Tim Burton has exceeded the public's expectations for every movie he has directed, written and acted