Tim Grover's Relentless Book Report

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Pages: 5

Through memory, short snippets replay. My cousin’s hand on my face, trying to close my eyes, a man’s hand with a blue shirt with some orange design on it, and a small river of blood trailing in different directions. The experience lasted over 30 minutes and 12 years later all I remember is men in black masks with random clothes soaked in blood with AK-47s and 9MMs coming to the waterpark asking for my mother. That moment changed everything.

In Tim Grover’s Relentless, there is a lot of information to touch on, the book is cutthroat, delving into the three personalities that define everyone. The “Winners” from the “Losers” etc. Through Grover’s Relentless, memories from a unique event in my childhood were replaying and connections formed in
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As we were running down the street of dirt, the heat coming from the ground was grueling. It was in what is known as “Tierra Caliente” or “Hot Land” in Southern Mexico. I couldn’t see anything but my feet, my pink Barbie swimsuit, and part of the land, yet we were running. That’s when I saw the man’s hand covered in gray powder, blood around him, and my cousin picked me up and said to “close my eyes and trust her”. The “Trust me”. If you say that to someone, you’re taking on some serious responsibility, and you better be able to deliver” (Grover, 202). Ultimately, the true test of a leader’s trustworthiness lies in their ability to deliver on their promises and commitments. When leaders follow through on their words with decisive action and tangible results, they reinforce the trust placed in them by their followers. Trust is fragile and can be easily undermined if a leader fails to follow through on their promises. Therefore, leaders must uphold a high standard of accountability and integrity. They must align their words with their actions and take responsibility for their decisions and their consequences. By demonstrating consistency, honesty, and ethical behavior, leaders reinforce trust and credibility within those who follow them. As I continue to grow as an individual, I understand the key component that is trust. Probably more important