Tim O Brien Ambush Analysis

Words: 246
Pages: 1

In “Ambush”, the author Tim O’Brien’s daughter asks him that if he had ever killed anyone, and to explain to her, he writes it. Moreover, I was a good officer, fighting in the Vietnam War, who saved himself and the other lives against the terrors.
Shortly after I took charge of my troop’s camp in Ben-Tre, part of my platoon was there, living in ten tents. In addition, the camp terrorism was terrified of my soldiers, which have developed in recent years. In addition the tactic of shooting up a grenade into a camp troubled us who lived in the camp.
At 10:00 P.M., one of the men shot a grenade toward a nearby tent, where my soldiers were sleeping. One soldier was probably killed. Then the attackers raked the camp with bullets. Five minutes later,