Timeline for child development Essay

Submitted By ajarana
Words: 534
Pages: 3

Development Plan
Birth to 2 years

Social Physical Intellectual Communication & Language Emotion
Responds to mum

Smiles at familiar faces

Begins to realise he/she is a separate from others

Shows interest in other babies

Recognizes parents

Shows fear is strangers

Pays attention to own name


Temper tantrums
Plays on their own

Toilet training

Not keen on sharing

Enjoys other children’s company

Able to stay separate from parents for short periods (nursery) Sleeps 20 hours a day

Sucking, stepping, grasping

Head control a little unsteady

Hands in a tight fist
Able to grasps objects

Focuses both eyes together and moves head

Uses reflexes, waving arms and kicking legs

Control of head and arm movements

Sits without support


Controls legs/feet

Can lift small light objects

Can stand

Walks unaided

Feeds themselves


Tries to kick a ball

Climbs on furniture

Tries to walk up and downstairs with both feet on one step
Builds a tower

Draws circles and dots Visual and oral exploration

Blinks when exposed to bright lights

Stares at mum or dad

Cry’s when they need attention

Very curious and follows movement

Puts everything in their mouth

Recognises familiar people 6 meters away

Obeys commands
Turns pages of a book and is interested in pictures

Points to different parts of the body

Vocabulary of more than 200 words

Begins to show pride and pleasure at new accomplishments Crying – main form of communication

Startled by loud sounds

Cries, coos and grunts

Makes sounds like ‘aah’ and ‘goo’

Can respond positively to touch



Shouts for attention

Respond to simple commands like ‘no’ ‘bye-bye’

Knows their own name

Says first real word

Mimics simple actions
Repeats words

Vocabulary of more than 200 words

Tries to join in to nursery rhymes

Uses two or more words together Stares at mum or dad

Social smiles

Begins to have distinct facial expressions

Can detect smells

Sensitive to touch

Emotional distress

Imitates some facial movements

Looks for attention

Can be comforted by a familiar adult
Emotional attachment