Tips In Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'The Scarlet Letter'

Words: 808
Pages: 4

Type or paste your introduction below. You may include any notes, prewriting, and/or your synthesis grid. If you do, please make sure your introductory paragraph(s) is clearly identified.


Create an attention-getting hook to engage your reader. Hooks include meaningful quotations, allusions, analogies, thought-provoking questions, definitions, and/or anecdotes. Look up any of these terms that you need to.
Introductions tend to move from broader subjects (e.g., racism in America) to narrower topics (racial profiling by police officers). We call this part of the intro the bridge -- it connects the hook to the thesis. For synthesis papers, the bridge usually includes introducing the sources that will be synthesized later in the body paragraphs.
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In The Scarlet Letter Hester was criticized by everyone around her for an action that did not affect anyone else's life besides the father. The reason the crowd of people judged her so badly was because adultery was not only a sin, but a crime. They had beliefs that went against what she did. Hester had a baby out of wedlock and because they wouldn’t do that themselves, they punished her. Olive, from the movie Easy A, had a similar experience. A rumor that she lost her virginity got around her entire school and so many people judged her, especially an extremely religious group of people. This particular group of people criticized her because they believed that she was sinning and they wouldn’t do the same things that they were told she did. They may not believe it is right for them but that doesn’t mean they should criticize others because it’s not their decision. People have all different kinds of morals that they value, not everyone agrees with every particular one. However, people do not think about why others make the actions that they do, no one truly knows a strangers back story so they have no right to judge. This is a flaw that nearly every person has, whether they express their opinion or