To What Extent Is The Holocaust Still Relevant Today

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Pages: 3

The Holocaust stands as one of the darkest chapters in human history, and was a period marked by unimaginable suffering, cruelty, and loss of life on an unprecedented scale. The Holocaust still serves as a haunting reminder of the depths of human depravity and the consequences of unchecked prejudice and discrimination.

While the Holocaust occurred over seven decades ago, its lessons relating to racial discrimination and social justice are still profoundly relevant today.

The Holocaust was the systematic extermination of six million Jews, along with millions of others including Roma (Gypsies), disabled individuals and homosexuals during World War II by the German Nazi regime. Hitler, the current leader of the time, rose to his power through propaganda, democratic processes, consolidating support from nationalist and anti-semitic factions. The image on the right is of Hitler giving a speech, wearing a Swastika armband, which was the symbol of Nazi power.
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Once in power, Hitler used propaganda to shape German public opinion and behavior. A quote from the writer Robert J. Willis, Clinical Director of the Pastoral Counseling Centre of West Hartford, Connecticut, says “To substitute words, any words, for (Auschwitz), is to distort it.” This quote shows us the true power of Nazi Germany, and how any distortion of words would leave the effects of the Holocaust incomprehensible. Future generations need to be educated on this, to understand the true effect of the Holocaust, and to prevent such things from ever occurring in the