Tom robinson is a twenty-five year old black man with only one arm. He was accused of raping Miss Mayella Ewell.“ Tom was a black-velvet Negro, not shiny, but soft black velvet. The whites of his eyes shone in his face, and when he spoke we saw flashes of his teeth. If he had been whole, he would he would have been a fine specimen of a man” (Lee 257). This quote from the book describes what he looks like. He has a wife named Helen with three children. They have challenges in there life. One challenge for them was finding work.”Why don't folks hire helen”(Lee 164). Tom Robinson is respectful, honest, family-oriented, and a …show more content…
Harper Lee describes all of the character really well. Tom Robinson was described very well. They described what he looked like, his beliefs, his impact, and his actions. Some of his actions led to a bigger action which caused challenges in his life. He had to face the trail. It overcame that challenge and died shortly after. Overall, this novel was a great book that teaches you multiple life