Tom Sawyer Superstitious Quotes

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Pages: 3

Nobody under the age of twelve has ever been engaged, but Tom has been engaged a whopping three times! The Adventures of Tom Sawyer authored by Mark Twain, realistic fiction, is about a young, happy, and mischievous boy, Tom Sawyer, who stirs up trouble in his steps in the rural area of St. Petersburg. Foremost, Tom is superstitious. For example, when Tom meets Huckleberry Finn they exchange words about removing warts and Tom explains that one has to whisper, “‘Barely-corn, Barley-corn, injun-meal shorts, Spunk-water, spunk-water, smaller these warts,”’ “and then walk away quick, eleven steps, with your eyes shut, and then turn around three times and walk home without speaking to anybody. Because if you speak the charm’s busted,” (40). Tom believes in spells to rid warts. Subsequently, the quote refers to a charm which is only used for superstitious purposes. These are instructions to a charm or spell to supposedly cast away warts. In the twentieth century, there are no guaranteed “spells” to get rid of warts, only medicinal concoctions. Furthermore, when Tom comes across a marble that he had …show more content…
Foremost, marbles that move over great distances without the help from an outside force is just ridiculous. For example, Newton’s first law of motion describes that an object will remain at rest until acted upon by an outside force. However, for this enchantment one must utter a series of words to gather one’s marbles over their entire lifetime of losing them. Subsequently, Tom meets Huckleberry Finn who explains to Tom, “She witched pap. Pap says so his own self. He come along one day, and he sees she was a-witching him so he took up a rock, and if