Tomi Lahren: A Feminist Analysis

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If you’ve been following the news lately, you’ve probably heard that conservative “firebrand” Tomi Lahren was recently suspended and eventually fired from The Blaze for stating that she is pro-choice. The 24-year-old conservative darling rose to prominence with her “Final Thoughts” videos in which she comments on liberal America’s shenanigans. From pipelines, to women’s marches, to musicians, Tomi Lahren can find something to stand in vehement opposition to. She’s a free market capitalist, an advocate for veterans, and a decided antifeminist. For many young, conservative women, Tomi Lahren is the ideal model of feminine success.

There have been a surprising amount of positive reactions from the left in the wake of Tomi Lahren’s suspension and eventual firing. The most notable of these reactions are an apology letter published on The Odyssey and a tweet from senior reporter at Mother Jones, Josh Harkinson. From the looks of it, white liberals are embracing and coming to the defense of Tomi Lahren despite the fact that her views on racialized police violence, environmental justice, and political protest — among other things — are decidedly not in line with feminist ideology.
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She is the inevitable result of diluting feminism as a political movement down to its barest bones for easy consumption, focusing on personal feelings of empowerment, and celebrating capitalist success as a feminist victory. When celebrities like Lena Dunham or Taylor Swift are presented as the ideal of what a feminist is and what a feminist practice looks like, calling Tomi Lahren a feminist doesn't feel like such a