According to Erik Erikson’s adolescent stages, David is still going through the process of finding himself and discovering what role he is responsible for in society. He is misconceived by his identity, which created a discrepancy in the way he interacts with the other children in his daycare. David is only 4 years old and is still developing, which interferes with how he behaves. He refuses to conform to the norms, but with the proper guidance and patience, it is possible for him to change. Consequently, if David does not address his problem, there can be many leading factors that will disrupt his character as he gets older. A factor that can affect him negatively is that he can develop anger management because if he does not seek help, he will be bottling up his emotions, as a result making the problem worse. This developmental trajectory is not inevitable because majority of the time there are always solutions to abnormal behavioral patterns, and if it cannot be solved, it can improve gradually. However, it is up to the individual to willingly want to receive the help that they are in need of, but since David is only 4, it is his family’s responsibility to direct him towards the right pathway. For instance, David’s parents can help enhance his behavior by monitoring his actions and communicate using words to help him understand when he is …show more content…
ADHD is a psychiatric disorder and it explains how the symptoms are linked to Dale’s condition. These symptoms were identifiable since it mentioned that Dale cannot keep still or complete his school work and inattentiveness is a symptom of ADHD. This disorder can be difficult for the child to focus in school due to the way that their brain functions. Moreover, this condition should be taken seriously even though Dale is only 3 years old, however, this disorder usually begins during childhood and carries on to adulthood. Dale’s parents should try other methods to reduce their son’s hyperactive behavior before getting a doctor to prescribe him medication. Although, if using techniques to reduce his disorder does not help him at all, his parents should definitely consider putting Dale on medication. There are multiple other treatments that they can consider, excluding the consumption of medication. For instance, interventions for behavior can be a beneficial strategy to cope with his ADHD. Another example can be parent counselling which could consist of a professional counselor that gives tips and advice on how to deal with a child with a disorder such as Dale’s. In terms of recommendations for how the school can be productive towards this illness, could consist of interventions or even if the school could provide accommodations to what the child