What is an Abscess?
A tooth abscess is an infection of the soft tissue surrounding a tooth. It doesn't normally spread to the surrounding teeth, just the gums. However, it can get into a person's bloodstream easily.
How Does an Abscess Occur?
If cavities are left untreated, a tooth will become more fragile because of the damage done to the enamel, which …show more content…
The first signs of an infection are pain, swelling, and redness. Then, pus will seep through a hole in the side of the gums. The size of the hole will increase in size, and it may start to scab over. If the infection starts to spread, a person may also develop a fever as the body tries to fight it off.
How is an Abscess Treated?
Nothing can be done to a damaged tooth until the infection is cured because any dental work could spread it faster. So the first step to treating an abscess is a round of antibiotics. This will stop the production of pus and reduce the pain and pressure. Then, the broken tooth has to be repaired or completely removed through surgery.
How Serious is an Abscess?
A dental abscess can become life threatening to those who have weakened immune systems. But even a healthy person can end up being hospitalized from one. The infection can spread to the brain or other parts of the body, which makes treating it more difficult.
As you can see, dental abscesses are no laughing matter. So anyone who has the symptoms of one should get to the dentist right away. And in the meantime, swish with salt water to help reduce the pain. Never cover the abscess up with anything that could block the flow of the pus because this will worsen the