The owner and founder of Toyota is Sakichi Toyoda is born 1867, and In 1890 he invented the Toyoda wooden hand loom, Sakichi Toyoda in 1896 invented the power Loom, invents the circular Loom and in 1924 Sakichi Toyoda, invents toyoda Automatic Loom, Type G with Non- Stop shuttle-change motion, In 1926 Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, LTD now become Toyota Industries Corporation and established to manufacture and market Automatic Loom invented by Sakichi Toyota.
In 1933 Automobile department set up to manufacture automobile and a proto type engine completed in 1934. The Toyota Precepts established in 1935 the first prototype of models A1 passenger car completed.
In 1933 a Japanese man named Kiichiro Toyoda traveled …show more content…
The rate of inflation increased and demand for automobiles fell drastically. Yet, in the face of the overall pessimism that gripped the industry and the nation, Toyota’s chairman Eiji Toyoda proposed a highly aggressive corporate strategy. His conviction was that the automobile, far from being a “luxury,” had become and would remain a necessity for people at all levels of society. As a result, Toyota decided to move forward by expanding the company’s operations.
By means of intense advertising and controlled public relations under Toyoda’s direction, Toyota tried to elevate the principle of free competition in the minds of the American people. At the same time, Toyoda carefully committed his company to greater international cooperation in both technological and managerial areas.
In 1984, for example, Toyota entered into a joint manufacturing venture with American giant General Motors called New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI). This state-of-the-art facility allowed Toyota to begin production in the United States cautiously at a time of increasing protectionism, as well as learn about American labor practices. At the same time, it provided General Motors with insight into Japanese production methods and management styles. The plant was slated to build up to 50,000 vehicles a year. In the fall of 1985, moreover, Toyota announced that it would build an $800,000 production facility near Lexington, Kentucky. The plant, which was expected to begin