In I,v, 55-59 Tybalt claims, “Fetch me a rapier, boy. What dares the slave/ come hither, cover’d with an antic face, to fleer and scorn at our solemnity./ Now by the stock and honour of my kin/ To strike him dead I told him not a sin.” This is a perfect example of Tybalt’s tragic flaws because he is focused on himself and what is best for him not everyone. In I,v, 76-77 Tybalt puts up a fight by just letting his mouth run on and on, saying, “I will not put up with you anymore!” Tybalt’s narrow minded thinking led to the fight between Romeo and Tybalt, which may of had something todo with the death of Romeo and Juliet.
The final character with tragic flaws was the Capulets and them being so disrespectful. In III,v, 170-173 Capulet speaks, “That God had lent us but only this child./ But now I see the one is one to much./ And that we have a curse in having her. The Capulets is being disrespectful in acting like Juliet is a mistake. In IV, ii, 1-45 Lord Capulet is forcing the wedding upon Juliet and Paris when she does not want to be with him she has no feeling for him. This tragic flaw is leading to the death of Juliet from the potion because her parents are disrespectful making her do something she does not feel comfortable