Jared Harrison
English II
Ms. Autumn Farless, Ed.S.
Jared Harrison
English II
Ms. Autumn Farless, Ed.S.
The Long Painful Trek
: The Holocaust Vs. the Trail of Tears For many years the United States had a tragic time where many Native Americans suffered and even died. This incident was called the Trail of Tears, where many Native Americans lost rights and died on their way to a land that had a painful path. Though a couple years later Germany, under the reign of Adolf Hitler, killed and treated Jews horribly in a genocide called the Holocaust, where Jews, like the Native Americans, travelled long distances to relocate while not having anything at all. Today, most people …show more content…
During the Holocaust and the Trail of Tears, they both had horrible treatment to different types of communities. For example, perpetrators both loaded victims into train cars and even made them walk long distances where they would most likely die walking to their designated spots. Though they had many similarities, they both also had many more differences that many people can see, like the forms of government, the Holocaust had a dictatorship while the Trail of Tears had a cruel democracy behind it. Also during the Holocaust, many Jewish people were killed in concentration camps and gas chambers, but in the Trail of Tears, the Indian people were mostly killed in long painful walks, and many tribes lost many people in wars where they didn’t want to move. In many events there are many things that people have learned from these incidents. For example, there is the famous saying, “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.” Because most people would know if the Jewish people imprisoned many germans, the germans would not like it, and same goes with the United States government and people with the Indians. Though overall, in the end, we see many lives lost by many power hungry governments, and by many horrible people. Therefore, as many people look back in the past, there are many things to be learned, like never taking someone's property or their