I found out was that these security officers need to know how to write a good a report. Begins by stressing the importance of the written word, particularly as it relates to the role of the protection officer. The notebook is described as a “tool of the Trade.” The reader is given guidance in selection of a suitable notebook, proper note taking, notebook maintenance, notes for future reference, and utilizing the notebook as an aid in giving evidence. The best methods of transferring information from the notebook to the report format are discussed in detail. The importance of a well-written report is underscored as the most effective means by which the work of the protection officer may be evaluated by fellow officers, supervisors, the courts, and other departments and organizations, both private and public. The protection officer’s responsibilities increase as each day passes. Fire prevention, asset protection, and policy enforcement are among the tasks charged to security officers. Along with these are many everyday duties like access control, maintaining general safety, and the monitoring of properties. Security operations are moving toward response medical emergencies, too. With areas and properties getting larger, security patrols are the only link between a sick or injured person and help. Security is beginning to encounter legal issues when dealing with first response to medical emergencies. What are the legal repercussions of first response for security officers? What can the company or department do to protect itself from legal actions? One such statute that has an effect on everyone, not just security officers, is the Good Samaritan Law. This law appears in one form or another in most states and can be referred to as the “Good Samaritan Rule” or the “Firemen’s Rule.” This law is in effect in most states and protects emergency care providers from civil liability. The law basically states, “Any individual who gives emergency care at the scene of an emergency shall not be held liable to that same person acting in ‘good faith’ as a result of any actions except those