Tramp Tramp Rhetorical Devices

Words: 324
Pages: 2

Tramp, Tramp, Tramp is a song which was written in 1863 and was inspired by the novel Andersonville. Andersonville was a famous novel written by the author by MacKinlay Cantor and throughout this song Cantor brought to public awareness regardless of the the atrocities experienced by the soldiers were suffering in a Southern prison.This song was written long before the war was over. It was heard and be and popular due to the adaptation of the Union soldiers as a marching song.

ITramp, Tramp, Tramp, is an anti war master piece that tries to brainwashed public about the negative outcomes of war. It portrays the terrible experience many soldiers were going through in war.Moreover, this is not just a marching song utilized by the union. Also,