While transformational leaders and servant leaders both show concern for their followers, the overriding focus of the servant leader is upon service to their followers. The transformational leader has a greater concern for getting followers to engage in and support organizational objectives. The extent to which the leader is able to shift the primary focus of his or her leadership from the organization to the follower is the distinguishing factor in determining whether the leader may be a transformational or servant leader. Stone, Russel, Patterson, 2004, p. …show more content…
The situational style of leadership is the broadest in scope of the seven in this paper, but even this style of leadership remains constricting within the dynamics of a school building. Leaders will have a style they exhibit which is grounded in their character traits, values, and beliefs. However, without compromising their core traits, values, and beliefs, leaders must be flexible, capable, and skilled enough to recognize how to approach each situation. As an example, regardless of how committed a principal is to the democratic style, there are situations where an authoritarian approach is required and teachers will look for it. Beyond the obvious crisis based moments, a major short notice change to the schedule for an assembly of some kind and teachers will want an authoritarian level of direction as they arrive. Transformational leadership is powerful, but the vision, excitement, and commitment that is exhibited at the beginning of the year and throughout by the leader can become muted and degraded by the hardships and challenges teachers face through the course of the day. Leaders who confine themselves to one style risk missing the opportunities and moments that will make a difference in the moment and cumulatively. As humans, we are too complicated for a singular approach.
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