to Africa. The book does a really good job taking a diplomatic approach to globalization. For that reason, it does not really emphasize as much a clear-cut winner and loser, as many other writings seem to do. For example, in Richard Florida’s Who’s Your City?, he makes it very clear that “today’s global economy is powered by a surprisingly small number of places” (19). So while Rivoli thinks that even if it’s at the bottom where you start, it’s at least somewhere, you can see that Florida does not necessarily share this point of view. He see’s the world as now comprised of peaks and valleys. Those at the bottom would conceivably be in the valleys. This makes it difficult to connect with those in the peaks since the “people in spiky places are often more connected to each other” (Florida 32). Florida calls this the “peak-to-peak connectivity. Also, while using her t-shirt, a common everyday item that we can all relate to, as her example, Rivoli sets us up with a view that globalization is essentially a timeline. In For Space, by Doreen Massey, however, we get a different point of view. She believes that it is not to anyone’s benefit to “fail to recognize the multiplicities of the spatial” aspects of globalization (83). She goes on to say that it is dangerous to imagine globalization as spreading from sources of economic power and wealth “across a passive surface of space” (83). I think this is a very interesting point that is missed in T-shirt. Everything