Treasure Island Piracy Research Paper

Words: 872
Pages: 4

With the advancements into technology and movies there has been an increase in the fantasy of the pirates. There are many stories of Captain Hook, Blackbeard, and various others. Hollywood likes to make the notion of being a pirate as a simple and entertaining life. Though when does fiction become reality and make believe becomes the truth? In this essay hopefully those questions will be answered and we will see that sometimes the truth might be better than the fantasy. The story Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson is the first time most people experience the life of pirates. While very few people seem to realize that pirates have been around for a unknown amount of time, there have been big insurgencies of piracy through the ages. According to David Cordingly huge outburst happened three times between 1650s and 1730s that later became known as the Golden Age of Piracy. Most of the acts of piracy happened around the Caribbean. This is when most information about pirates and what …show more content…
Before planning a trip to the nearest island you might want to do a little research. David Cordingly has written that most pirates spend their treasure on women, alcohol, and other debauchery and very rarely had any left over. That begs to question what kind of currency did pirates use and where did they get it? If one was to look to movies like Hook or any of the other outlets of pirate media the obvious answer would be gold. Though there was more than meets the eye. There are two types of coins that where minted through the Golden Age of Piracy called Reales (Reals) and the gold coins, Escudos (Escudo). There are various sizes and values to the coins with the most famous the Pieces of Eight and the Doubloon. The Pieces of Eight are eight Reals and have the value of such while the Doubloon is eight Escudos with the same value of