Trench Warfare Vs Ww2 Research Paper

Words: 420
Pages: 2

WHICH WAS WORSE, WW1 OR WW2? Which was worse, WWI or WWII? I personally believe WWII was worse in casualties, the biggest loss of human life in any war but WWI was a much worse experience for the soldiers as this was the first time in human history that a conflict on this large scale happened, and this war introduced trench warfare which had the worst conditions.

WWII also saw trench warfare but not on the scale of WWI, in WWII the army knew how to make trenches fast and better to prevent flooding which happened a lot in WWI. Soldiers usually spent a lot of weeks in trenches and often stayed in trenches filled with water because the trench was not made perfectly and that caused a lot of soldiers to get diseases and become sick.

According to, the conditions even caused soldiers to get ‘trench foot’ which led to the feet becoming numb, swollen, and infected. The skin would break down, and in severe cases, it could lead to gangrene, necessitating amputation, soldiers were advised to keep their feet dry but couldn't because of the conditions.
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The defending side took cover in the trenches and the opposing side ran out of their trenches and ran over ‘no man's land’ the ground between the trenches, and the defending side would shoot them with whatever they had, mostly rifles and machine guns.

Because gaining land was really hard, sometimes THOUSANDS of soldiers would get killed just to capture 1 trench, this is why most of the war on the west side saw no change in area occupied.

Lastly, on the last day of the war November 11 the ceasefire day many soldiers were given commands to keep fighting and because of this many soldiers lost their lives just minutes before the war ended, the countries that suffered losses on that day are as follows France, United Kingdom, United States, Belgium, Italy, Russia (though it had effectively exited the war earlier), Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman