Mae Tuck grabbed Angus’s shotgun that he shot himself with to see if he actually was immortal. She grabbed the gun and hits the man in the yellow suit upside the head. This is because he threatened to use the Tuck’s as propaganda for the water in the wood because he was going to sell it to the wealthy people. He became unconscious and they brought him into their house. The constable told the Tuck’s if the man in the yellow suit ends up dead, she will be put in prison, and then be punished to death. After a while, the man in the yellow suit ended up dead, and everyone knew what was going to happen to Mae. The constable took Winnie and Mae and put them on the horses for the second time. The Tuck’s told Mae they would come for her and get her out of this situation. Mae was in the front because the constable didn’t want to take any chances with