Tungsten Research Paper

Words: 445
Pages: 2

There are many different varieties of elements, but here is a very interesting one. Tungsten was used mainly for the fiber of old bright light bulbs, but these have been outdated in many countries. This is because they are not as very energy efficient as the new ones. They mostly produce heat instead of light. Now that you know the type of things they used tungsten for let me get into more detail. This amazing element tungsten, atomic number 74, is counted as a transition metal in group VIB on the Periodic Table. Tungsten was known by the Germanic name Wolfram. It was named after the tungsten mineral wolframite, thats why its chemical is symbol W. The name tungsten was derived from the Swedish words tung and sten, meaning heavy stone, because of its high density. The people who discovered this element were the Spanish brothers Fausto Jermin and nobleman Juan Jose de Elhuyar fin the early 1780s The atomic number was 74 and the atomic mass was 183.84. …show more content…
Tungsten and its mixtures are used in many high-temperature applications, like arc-welding electrodes and heating elements in high-temperature furnaces. Tungsten carbide is very hard and is very important to the jobs that use metals, like mining and petroleum industries. It is made by mixing tungsten powder and carbon powder and heating to 2200°C. It makes great cutting and drilling tools, even dentists use this metal for when they need to drill into your teeth. Calcium and magnesium tungstates are widely used in fluorescent