Employee Selection There are four different levels among the employees. Employees enter the contact center as a 5C grade level and as there experience grows, there is Level 1, 2 and 3. As the levels are progressed, additional responsibilities are given through special project and ways to display leadership. Level 3 works with the supervisors integrating new hires development assistance as well as implementing new initiative and assisting with delegation on a management level within the department. Level 1 and 2 are given opportunities to advance through projects and additional tasks given to the customer service department on a whole.
Hiring Process There are different types of methods that are utilized in the hiring selection. There are two ways in which reliable and valid information are obtained for the employment referrals for the liaison 5C position: transfers and outside resumes. There are information displayed for internal applicants in the talent management board as well as advertisements on employee job boards on the internet and temp agencies for outside resumes to be applicable. The following methods do increase diversity, multicultural and geographically disperses employees in the workforce. The direct method consists of applicants currently employed Montefiore as well as referrals directly received through the CMO. The interview process for the direct method involved an initial phone interview and then a face-face interview with a nondirective approach to retrieve information about the employee through broad ended questions (Bagley & Savage, p. 277). This method does present ethical issues because the internal applicants may be showed favored for positions even though the criteria is not met. The internal employee that provided the referred applicant maybe disgruntled if another applicant is chosen over their referral questioning discrimination among the employee population (Bruce, S., 2013). Outside applicants, received through online portals including Montefiore website and several employment boards as well as resumes received through human resource directly goes through a different process. It is critical to investing in the right resources in selecting the right applicants through utilizing cognitive, aptitude, and integrity tests (Fisher, D.R., & Nile, R.J., 20). This department utilizes Profiles International, a company that performs the validation of the varieties such as job matching and prescreening advancing the applicants into the next employment phase. The approved applicants attends an open house where they are interviewed by several structured interviews through phones. The interviews are done by all the supervisors and a face-face with the manager from each operation. The next steps include human resource completing the checking of references, background checks, and credit checks for each employers before the first day of