When Belisa was kidnapped, she was unable to talk due to the fact that she was near death. She had to think her way out of the situation using only her imagination and the dangers around her. She gathered up all remaining strength ,took a breath, and passed out for several hours. After Belisa wakes up, El Mulato takes her to the Colonel and Allende says, “she imagined from the way his gigantic aide addressed him with such humility that he must have a very menacing expression.”This quote shows us how even when she is facing the biggest of challenges, her imagination is there to help her, in this situation, “see” the Colonel. Allende uses the Colonel’s struggles to develop, even further, the theme that imagination helps us deal with life’s challenges. The Colonel tells Belisa, “I want to be president!” This statement was thought out and is leading up to the Colonels internal conflict of wanting to be loved. Also wanting to be president is a strong decision and he believes it will end in everyone loving him. The Colonel asks Belisa to write a speech for him and she gives him the best of her words for the speech. Belisa stays up all night trying to fathom the words. She gives him her best and in return, her imagination is