U4 Assessment Essay

Submitted By bubababa
Words: 935
Pages: 4

Unit four: Principles of supporting change in a business environment


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Please note that this Assessment document has 3 pages and is made up of 3 Sections.


Section 1: Why change happens

This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 1: Understand why change happens in a business environment.

Learning objective
Place in Assessment
1.1 Explain reasons for change in a business environment
Question 1 Page 1

1. Explain why change happens in a business environment. You should include at least three reasons in your answer. [1.1]

Reasons for change in a business environment may include: internal factors, examples include; A business wants to reduce waste and costs, A business launches a new product, A business introduces 24-hour customer support, A business introduces quality management techniques. External factors. Political factors, examples include; Government (policies, regulations, grants and the government as a client or customer), International (conflict, political change, pressure groups and trade policies), Legislation (domestic, European, future legislation, and international legislation). Economic factors, examples include; Domestic (competitors' behaviour, economic performance of businesses in the UK, trends, tax and interest rates), International (competitors' behaviour, economy, economic trends, tax, interest rates, exchange rates and trade issues). Social factors, examples include; Advertising and PR, brands and image, consumer attitudes, consumer buying preferences, demographics, ethical issues, events, media views. Technological factors, examples include; Ability to install new technology (and of competitors to do so), emerging new technologies, funding for technological research, development and implementation, intellectual property rights, technology legislation and the technological life cycle

Section 2: Supporting change

This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 2: Understand the purpose of supporting change in a business environment.

Learning objective
Place in Assessment
2.1 Identify reasons for reviewing working methods, products or services
Question 1 Page 2
2.2 Describe types of support that people may need during change
Question 2a Page 2
2.3 Explain the benefits of working with others during change
Question 2b Page 2

1. Identify the main reasons for reviewing working methods, products and / or services in a business environment. [2.1]

Reasons for reviewing working methods, products or services: To adapt to changes listed in assessment criteria 1.1; to allow for constant improvements, checking for consistent standards, ensuring methods are up-to-date, relevant and fit-for-purpose, meeting requirements of clients/ customers etc.

2. When a business is going through change:

a) Describe the different types of support that people may need. [2.2]

Different types of support that people may need when a business is going through a change can consist of; Planning: This is important so that everyone in the business knows what is happening and when, Participation: It is important to let employees get involved with the changes if possible, Communication: This is important so that everyone in the business knows what changes are being made, what to expect from the changes, how the changes will affect them and their colleagues, why the changes are happening. Training: It is important to let employees get the right training and knowledge to