The most common cause of underbite is the misalignment of the lower jaw. This is often present at birth, but may also be caused by a hereditary condition. If the underbite gap is wide, it may cause certain …show more content…
The expander may take about a year to get results, and then a retainer is worn.
Braces may not be the best solution to correct an underbite because they do not solve the problem of jaw size. However, for mild underbite, braces may work. However, teeth may be extracted in order for the teeth to fit better in the jaw, but braces may not give the best cosmetic solution.
The cause of the underbite should also be taken into consideration when choosing a treatment. Underbites can be caused by a small upper jaw or a large lower jaw. If the cause by the overgrowth of the lower jaw, it is recommended to wait until the jaw stops growing sometime in the teenage years. This is because any treatment will be ruined if the jaw continues to grow after treatment.
Whether braces or another treatment is the best solution for your child’s underbite problem may be determined by our orthodontic specialist. In some cases, early treatment is the right way, and in other cases, it is better to wait until the jaw has stopped