B: Prisons should focus more on rehabilitation and education than on punishment.
B: Prisons should focus more on rehabilitation and education than on punishment
Understanding Rhetorical Structures To the Orlando Police Department and Orlando Federal Prison: As indicated by the research found, it is better to rehabilitate and educate a population of people rather than punish them for crimes committed. Even though they have committed the acts, it does not mean that these people cannot gain knowledge to improve their behaviors rather than rounding them up and just letting them fester in a cell. On top of that, it is better to go into these high-risk communities and educate the citizens young and old than invest more money into jails and detention centers. The purpose is to present this information and to inform this department and prison of what can be changed within our community to help it as a whole, for a brighter future for everyone. “First and foremost, they are providing mental health services to the prison population, which has rates of mental illness at least three times the national average.” (Benson) This was the role that psychologist played to help the prison population, to help rehabilitate these individuals back to a health. “Researchers have also found that the pessimistic "nothing works" attitude toward rehabilitation that helped justify punitive prison policies in the 1970s was overstated. When properly implemented, work programs, education and psychotherapy can ease prisoners' transitions to the free world, says Haney.” (Benson) According to Steven Hawkins it costs Americans almost $70 billion annually to place adults in prison and or jails and also for detention centers for the youth, and another $7.3 million on probation and parole for individuals. “Education of prisoners is implicit in the Bureau of Prison’s mission statement which reads: “The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) protects society by confining offenders in the controlled environments of prisons and community-based facilities that are safe, humane, cost-efficient, and appropriately secure, and that provide work and other self-improvement opportunities to assist offenders in becoming law-abiding citizens.” One element of the “self-improvement opportunities” is education.” (Education Bug) A report from the Journal of Correctional Education showed that those individuals who were in prison education programs were less likely to return to jail. So, educating, rehabilitating and working for a better future works for these individuals and they need to be given a chance.
To the volunteers within at Orlando Federal Prison: As most of the volunteers see here, their hard work is not going unnoticed. In fact it is helping the prison population here at the Correctional Facility, but needs to also be put on a local scale at the jails and detention centers here in the city of Orlando. The concern of whether education and rehabilitation working is seen even in the information given by the Education Bug, however their findings show that there needs to be improvement. “The Bureau of Justice report discusses four different types of incarceration facilities: state prisons, Federal prisons, private prisons, and local jails. Each of these types had multiple types of prison education programs, with Federal prisons offering the most (100%) and local jails the fewest (60.3%).” (Education Bug) As for the rehabilitation aspect, because many prisoners have mental illnesses, ”… psychologists are doing research on the causes of crime and the psychological effects of incarceration.” (Benson) Approximately 15 to 20 percent of