MGT/401 The Small Business
Future Growth
Unique Gift Baskets (UGB) started with a vision of creating extraordinary gift baskets by allowing their customers to design and at times provide the materials and supplies for the baskets. UGB is growing at a rapid pace and is currently exploring the possibility of going global. As UGB grows, changes must be made. This paper will include strategies for use if the business goes global. Plans for building a management team to continue to lead the company in future growth, and potential challenges including how to overcome them without sacrificing our vision, mission or values.
Strategies for Going Global The initial step before starting to market globally is to identify each countries differences and market accordingly. The world we live in is diverse and full of many traditions and cultures. For this reason, it is important to be aware of and sensitive to those differences in each country. In America, the giving of baskets might be able to be interpreted as a gesture of love and thanksgiving. However, the giving of gift baskets can have a different meaning in another country. UGB wants the customers worldwide to know that UGB mission of giving the customers the opportunity to create a personalized gift basket that encompasses their personal memories, cultures, and beliefs.
The next step is to assess a strategy for global marketing. Currently, UGB does not have the capital to launch a global marketing campaign. The alternative approach will be utilizing social media to promote their products and services in addition to their website. UGB will establish an account with Federal Express for all the shipping needs. Export documents will be by a member of the management staff. These strategies will be taken into account when building the management team as their responsibility will be to ensure the plans are adding growth to the company.
Building the Management Team In addition to an effective leader, the management team is equally important. “Leadership are ; one without a is " (Zimmerer, Scarborough, & Wilson, 2008, Chapter Building a New Venture Team Planning Next Generation). UGB believes this statement to be true for this reason UGB will first establish their core values. UGB leadership will also discuss what characteristics they are looking for when they are seeking to hire and build their management team.
UGB will hire individuals from different cultures and backgrounds because they recognize how valuable the insight they each bring to the company and how it can add to the success of the business. UGB will conduct a breakdown of the different positions needing to be filled. Once this is complete creating a job description that is easy to read and understand. It will also clearly defines what specific skills and traits UGB is seeking. Once the team has decided, who to hire next will be to provide appropriate training to the management team.
UGB leaders will work with the management team to establish a positive work culture. UGB wants their employees to feel valued and to incorporate balance into their work day. Having weekly meetings with the management team to explore ideas discuss challenges and brainstorm solutions as a group. UGB believes it is important for each member of the body to understand the importance of the other team members. To aid in this goal, UGB will cross-train their employees and managers, this will create respect on all levels and also bring diversity to each of the positions. In addition, this will broaden the amount of ideas and suggestions to promote growth within the company.
The company many face some challenges in the transition of going national to a global company. For example, each country has their of regulations for imports. A possible problem may be that some materials or products UGB includes in their baskets are not permitted into a particular