K1 – setting’s safety, safeguarding and protection and emergency procedures, what these are and why they must be followed, including controls on substances harmful to health and other key aspects of health and safety
It is essential that all schools ensure that they take measures to protect all adults and children while they are on school premises. This means that there will be procedures in place for a number of situations that may arise, including the following:
Accidents and first aid
There should be enough first aiders in the school at any time to deal with accidents. It is imperative that all first aid boxes are regularly checked and replenished. Also all staff should know the location of first aid boxes and the identity of trained first aiders. First aid supplies should be date stamped when they are received as they have a five year shelf life. It is important that if a member of staff finds that there is not sufficient equipment, they must report it to the health and safety officer.
School security and strangers
This includes making sure that all those who are in school have been signed in and identified. Schools may have different methods for doing this, for example visitors may be issued with a badge which is the process that works well within my school setting. If staff notices any unidentified people within the school, they should challenge them immediately. Also it is essential even if you are on playground duty and notice anything suspicious, you should send for help. It is imperative that schools have secure entry and exit points, which may make it more difficult for individuals to enter the premises. Also as part of working within a school setting, it is vital that all teaching and non teaching staff are CRB checked, this should apply to everyone working within the school environment. It is also essential that staff attend a safeguarding course; which I have duly attended which has given me the information and has alerted me if required to follow the procedures set in place and which members of staff I need to contact when needed.
Fire procedures
It is essential that there should be clear procedures in place so that everyone on the premises knows what to do in case of fire. My school has regular fire drills; around once a term at different times of the day, so that all adults and children are aware of what to do wherever they are on the premises. Records should be kept of all fire drills; if there are any issues that arise they can be acted on and put in place for future reference.
Personal hygiene
Children should develop routines and good practice for general personal hygiene and understand its importance. I am aware that I am a positive role model to the children and always remind them to wash their hands, if dirty, after a toilet visit, and before snack and lunch times, I apply this throughout the school. Maintaining personal hygiene is necessary for many reasons; these can be personal, social, for health reasons, psychological or simply as a way of life. Essentially keeping a good standard of hygiene helps to prevent the development and spread of infections, illnesses and bad odours. Parents, caregivers and peers can influence the way in which children approach personal hygiene, which will stay with them for life. Educating children on good hygiene is the best way to avoid the spread of infection and disorders and not just for childhood complaints; teaching the principles of correct hygiene at an early age can help keep individuals healthy in later life, and be taught to future generations. Principles of hygiene should be made part of everyday life and the best way for parents to teach their children about good hygiene is to lead by example. The incidence of illness relating to areas of personal hygiene is more apparent in children as they are learning to take care of themselves and are exposed to many germs whilst in the school environment or in a play