Unit title
Date given out
Final submission
Unit abstract
BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Business Studies
Unit 1 – The Business Environment
September 06/09/2012
December 17/12/2012
Individual tasks will be set weekly deadlines as appropriate. A whole assignment deadline will be 13/12/2012
Unit abstract
You may already be familiar with organisations through having dealt with them as customers or Employees. One of the aims of this unit is to help
You to build on these experiences and learn to ‘walk in the shoes’ of the owners, stakeholders and Managers of organisations.
You will be introduced to a wide range of business activities. Consideration will be given to the influence of owners and stakeholders on business organisations and how the purpose of an organisation is expressed through the development of strategic aims and objectives. In addition to how the work of the organisation is divided into functional areas and how these areas interact with one another.
You will explore the dynamic nature of the business world through examining selected external factors and considering their impact on business organisations.
Ideally you will be encouraged to link their study of business with their own experiences as customers and employees and with events and trends reported in the news media.
A great deal of choice in given to the organisations you can choose.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this unit a learner should:
Know the range of different businesses and their ownership
Understand how businesses are organized to achieve their purposes Know the impact of the economic environment on businesses.
Know how political, legal and social factors impact on business.
Before you start
Read the assignment brief and the assessment grid carefully and make sure you are clear about what you have to do.
Ask for advice if you are unsure.
You will see that to obtain a Pass, Merit or
Distinctions you must read and complete each task carefully to ensure you do not miss anything out.
Write yourself an action plan for the tasks. Think about: 1. What you will need for each task
2. When you plan to start & finish the task so you meet the deadline
3. Any meanings of words you are unsure of
4. Leaving time to process and check work prior to handing it in.
Assignment 1
You work for Merton Chamber of Commerce and have been asked to investigate business activities. You should choose two contrasting organisations to investigate and complete the tasks below. Please one business from the Private sector and one from the Public sector.
Hand out date:
Hand in Date
P1 Describe the type of business, purpose and ownership of two contrasting organisations
P1: Describe the type of business, purpose and ownership of two contrasting organisations
Tick when completed
a)Write a short paragraph for each type of legal business ownership
b) Write a BRIEF introduction to each type business to explain what it does.
You can also write about the competitors (if any) and the market share of the business where relevant.
You can state what the business's profit and sales figures are over the last 5 years/income and expenditure figures.
You can say how big the business is by stating the number of employees.
c) Describe the sector it operates in.
d) Describe the type of ownership that the two businesses have.
You should include an account of the advantages and disadvantages of the type of ownership and say why this type of ownership suits the business
e) Describe each businesses activities
e.g. local, national, international, global, public, private, not-for profit/voluntary
f) Describe the purpose of each business. Purposes could include reasons why businesses exist, how products and services may be supplied for profit, at cost and below cost by local, national and global business organisations; how businesses supply products and services to consumers, other businesses, and central and local government