Discrimination whether it is direct or indirect, affects everyone differently, while some people may be able to ignore it, others can become to become upset or anxious and in turn make them feel isolated or withdrawn. Discrimination can also affect an individual’s self esteem and self worth and can cause them to have lower their own hopes and expectations.
Discrimination has the potential to cause stereotyping and labelling and to produce prejudices against others, and not only does Discrimination affect the person who is being discriminated against, but it can also have repercussions on their families and friends and also on those who are discriminating as it causes tension between the people involved.
Inclusive practice means to include people from all backgrounds, races, ethnicities, ages etc, and welcoming each individual and their differences, and also promoting their equality by ensuring everyone has equal opportunities. Having a knowledge base of an individual’s diversity helps to reduce the likelihood that they will be discriminated and also shows respect for the persons difference and support that individual as well as having a mutual respect for them.
There are several consequences which could occur from not actively complying with legislation and codes of practice. These include prosecution, being fined, the organisation that you are working for being brought to disrepute as well as being held accountable for your actions and even losing your job.
An individual’s own values, beliefs etc may affect working practice both positively and negatively . In some ways it can make a person more empathetic and aware and open of another person’s beliefs etc, but it may also influence the way in which they work negatively, such as the way they interact with others or influence their practice.
You can ensure that your own practices and interactions respect others by being open to other beliefs, values and preferences that differ from your own and also using active listening skills to ensure you listen to the individual and their wants and needs, and also by having knowledge of the person you are providing a service for e.g. their cultures, values, preferences and through not making assumptions about the