Assignment 1:
P1) There are 3 key factors that influence health and safety in sport. One of these factors is the legislative factors. This consists of the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974). The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain. The Health and Safety Executive, with local authorities (and other enforcing authorities) is responsible for enforcing the Act and a number of other Acts and Statutory Instruments relevant to the working environment. This sets out general duties to all employees who are involved in the sports club. For example it is the employer’s duty to make sure that all his employees are safe and working in a safe environment. This makes the welfare of his employees his responsibility. Another legislative factor is the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (1981). The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 came into force in the UK on 1 July 1982. The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 places a duty on employers and the self-employed to make arrangements for first aid in the workplace. The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 further provides protection to workers should they become unwell or injured in all workplaces, including those with less than 5 employees. It requires that workers receive immediate attention in these circumstances. Employers are required to provide adequate and appropriate equipment and facilities for first aid, provide adequate suitable personnel to assist employees taken ill or injured at work, carry out an assessment of first aid needs, inform employees of the arrangements for first aid at work and provide a competent person to cover temporary or exceptional absences of trained first-aiders.
Another legislative factor is Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport (1987). The Act is in five Parts and is being brought into force in phases. Part I contains eighteen sections in relation to fire safety, these amend earlier provisions in the Fire Precautions Act 1971. In particular, they allow more flexibility to the fire authority about fire certificates, charging fees for certification work, power for the Secretary of State to issue Codes of Practice, the use of Improvement Notices to remedy contraventions of fire certificates and also appeals and offences. Part II about safety at sports grounds, is being brought into operation first. It has seven sections and abolishes the earlier distinction between stadiums and sports grounds. It allows the Home Secretary to fix the qualifying capacity, rather than embody 10,000 or another figure in the Act. It also tightens up the law about prohibition notices, enforcement and inspectors. Part III of The Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987 was brought into force in 1988 and it relates to the safety of stands at sports grounds and contains sixteen sections. A stand which provides covered accommodation for 500 or more spectators in a ground which has not hitherto been designated now needs a Safety Certificate from the local authority. Such a stand is called a ‘Regulated Stand’. It is the duty of the local authority to decide which stands at sports grounds in their area are Regulated Stands and to issue Safety Certificates under the statutory procedure for them. Safety Certificates may in future be general, if for an indefinite period, or special, if for a specified number of activities or occasions. The issue of certificates is to follow a procedure which includes a preliminary determination about a stand being a Regulated Stand and then, after a two month period for representations, a final determination embodied in the Safety Certificate for that stand. Safety Certificates can be amended, repealed, replaced and transferred and there is also an appeal system which may give rise to some of these modifications to the Safety Certificate as originally issued. Appeals go to the