Unit 4: 1450-Renaissance In Europe

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Unit 4: 1450 CE to 1750 CE

I. Timeline of 10 Key Dates A. 1450 - Renaissance in Europe B. 1453 - Fall of constantinople, renamed to Istanbul C. 1492 - Columbus sails the ocean blue D. 1501 - Latin America begins getting African slaves E. 1517 - Martin Luther’s 95 theses (protestant reformation) F.1529 - Spanish conquest of mexico G. 1571 - Huge increase in silver trade H. 1588 - King Philip sends out the naval fleet “The Spanish Armada” I. 1618 - the 30 years war (due to the Protestant reformation) J. 18th century - Enlightenment in Europe (end of dark ages)
II. Top 10 Individuals or Groups A. John Locke - “Father of Liberalism” English philosopher and physician B. Benjamin Franklin - One of the Founding Fathers of the united states, scientist and inventor
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Leonardo de Vinci - Perfect Renaissance man, did a little of everything D. John Calvin - French theologian and pastor, Calvinism based on him & his ideals E. Isaac Newton - English physicist and mathematician, defined gravity and other laws of physics F. Martin Luther - German theologian, composer, priest and former monk, huge in the the protestant reformation G. Suleiman the Magnificent - longest reigning ottoman sultan, conquered lots of land until 1529 H. Christopher Columbus - in 1492 columbus sailed the ocean blue (killing bajillions of people in the americas) I. Francisco Pizarro - Spanish conquistador who lead a conquest that led to the downfall of the Inca Empire J. Elizabeth I - Queen of England and Ireland from 1558 to 1603
III. Graphic Organizer of 2 CCOT Topics A. Analyze the impact Islam had on Europe’s culture and economy from 1450-1750
1. Separation of Islam and Christianity
2. Western Europe stayed christian
3. Western Europe wasn’t the economic capital yet
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