Unit 4 Essay

Submitted By tahirayasin1234
Words: 1428
Pages: 6

Unit 4
1. Explain the theoretical perspectives on emotional well-being
The psychological perspective most psychologists believe children’s wellbeing comes principally from their relationship with adults in the earliest years of life. The relationships are known as attachments from feeling loved and nurtured by their parents and also those who play a significant role in their lives they can go on and develop other relationships as well as manage the more difficult challenges that life brings. Strong and positive relationships with adults also seem to play a part in developing children’s self esteem. Bowlby is well known for his development of attachment theory and declared “an infant and young child should experience warm, intimate, and continuous relationship with his mother in which both find satisfaction and enjoyment. Bowlby also said, that separation from that one person, could have serious affects on the child’s emotional and social development.
Piagets theory is based on the idea that the developing child builds cognitive structures or mental maps for understanding and responding to physical experiences within their environment. He also shows that a child’s cognitive structure increases in complexity along with development moving from a few natural reflexes such as crying and sucking to highly complex mental activities.

2. Explain the process of

Bonding is the period where an emotional tie between parent and infant is present the process begins before birth when the parent becomes aware of the growing child. Bonding is the process of trust and communication bonding teaches a child that he or she is loved and wanted it instils self-awareness as well as self-esteem.
Bonding with the primary caregiver is crucial for the baby’s survival and development which includes protecting the baby from danger and providing feeding and changings during irregular hours.
Researchers have suggested that many of these hormones are significant in the bonding process. This shows a biological need and place for bonding after birth. It is important that a strong and specific bond forms so that the mother is motivated to provide the high level of care needed


An attachment is the deep emotional connection that an infant forms with his or her primary cargiver.it is a tie that binds them together and leads the infant to experience pleasure ,joy and safety an attachment is necessary for a child’s optimal development.
Attachment theory is based on the idea that the bond between an infant and the primary care giver influences the development of relationships and the formation of personality. Attachment is a phenomenon involving physiological, emotional, cognitive, and social processes. The care givers presence provides a feeling of safety and security for the infant. Theorists believe that for the survival of the infant an attachment is important with the primary care giver. The child trusts others who will care for them and keep them safe, as a result they feel secure to express all emotions in their company.
These are benefits of forming an attachment

The child will be able to focus on playing, learning new skills and building relationships.
The child builds confidence and independence, which grows in the presence of people who make them feel good about themselves.
The child can develop coping strategies to manage their feelings.
The child can cope with some stress.

3. Analyse the role of the key person in promotion emotional well being
It is very important that a practitioner helps children and young people to develop a heathy self-esteems, as this is seen as necessary not only to the future success of the child but will also help them in making decisions about their own safety. It is a key person’s role to promote the wellbeing of a child to boost the self-esteem in children. This can be done praising children for the effort they put in. helping children to set realistic standards as this will help