1.1 – Explain what is meant by the term ‘dementia’
The term dementia describes a set of symptoms which include loss of memory, mood changes and problems with communication and reasoning. These symptoms occur when the brain is damaged by numerous certain diseases. Dementia is progressive, which means the symptoms will gradually get worse. How fast dementia progresses will depend on the individual person and what type of dementia they have. Each person is unique and will experience dementia in their own way.
1.2 – Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia
The key functions that are affected by dementia are:
Temporal Lobe – Responsible for vision, memory, language, …show more content…
During the course of the disease, the chemistry and structure of the brain changes, leading to the death of brain cells.
Vascular Dementia – If the oxygen supply to the brain fails, brain cells may die. The symptoms of vascular dementia can occur either suddenly, following a stroke, or over time, through a series of small stroke. Vascular dementia affects around a quarter of the people who suffer from dementia into the UK.
Dementia with Lewy Bodies - This form of dementia gets its name from tiny spherical structures that develop inside nerve cells. Their presence in the brain leads to the degeneration of the brain tissue.
Fronto-Temporal Dementia – This includes picks disease in fronto-temporal dementia, damage is usually focused in the front part of the brain. Personality and behaviour are initially more affected than memory.
3.2 – Describe the likely signs and symptoms of the most common causes of dementia
The likely signs and symptoms of the most common causes of dementia are Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive condition, which means that it will continue to get worse as it develops, it affects one in twenty people over the age of 65 and one in five over the age of 80 but it is not age restricted. Early symptoms include minor memory problems, difficulty saying the right words.
These symptoms change as Alzheimer’s disease develops, and it may lead to disorientation, personality changes such as mood swings, feelings