unit 57 Essay

Submitted By Nikip2
Words: 498
Pages: 2

Unit 57:
Support an individual to eat and drink
Ways to resolve any differences or dilemmas about food choices.
Offer a more suitable choice for example if a person is diabetic and wants a sweet for pudding offer them a more suitable choice and explain why you are doing so.
Check care plans to see if individual’s have allergies or difficulties eating or swallowing.
Liquidise foods.
Fortify them if individuals are required to due to lack of intake and weight gain.
Cut food up.
Help with feeding if required.
Guide them and encourage individuals to eat.
If a client has particular religious/cultural needs it is important to seek advice from manager/ deputy if not sure give them the information and ask where you could seek advice from. Reading their care plans to find out their dietary needs or asking family. A dietician can help advice on how to help meet an individual’s preference.

An individual may find it more comfortable to be sat in a certain place with people they may enjoy talking to. This can make it more enjoyable for them while they are eating and drinking. It is promoting their dignity because their wishes and needs are being met. Making sure the lighting isn’t too bright or too dark so they see eat and drink. Things like having the heating on to make sure they are warm and aren’t too cold, as this can make mealtimes more comfortable and maintain their dignity. Keeping décor to a certain standard for example warm and welcoming to a welcoming feeling and make it feel homely. All factors can help to support an individual’s eating and drinking because it’s promoting comfort, dignity and enjoyment.
It is important to be sure that an individual has finished eating and drinking before clearing it away because it gives you the chance to see what their