Unit 7 Assignment 2

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Unit 7 Assignment 2: Planning for and responding to emergency incidents Ollie Kemp U00074016 Georgina Burns Comparison: Streton stabbing P5 Competently carry out designated role in a planned response to a simulated emergency incident, considering changes that might occur. Preparation: Familiarize yourself with your designated role, responsibilities, and the overall emergency response plan. Understand the goals and objectives of the response and how your role contributes to them. Review any relevant procedures, protocols, or guidelines. Communication: Stay informed and maintain open communication channels with the emergency response team and relevant authorities. Understand how to use communication tools and protocols effectively, such as radios, …show more content…
This could involve searching for official documents, guidelines, or case studies related to the incident type. Analysed from real-life emergency response plans to understand its key elements, strategies, best practices, and lessons learned from previous incidents, I have picked the London bridge attack Comparison: London bridge attack In the event of a similar incident as the London bridge attack I would have deployed armed police much quicker in order to minimise harm done by the attacker and have the ambulance service deployed much quicker once the area is secure in order to ensure that both the ambulance service is safe while carrying out their role to save lives and treat the …show more content…
Consider aspects such as: Preparedness measures: How well does each plan address preparedness activities such as training, exercises, and resource management? Response procedures: Are the response procedures outlined in each plan clear, comprehensive, and appropriate for the specific incident type? Communication protocols: Do both plans establish effective communication channels and procedures for coordinating with stakeholders, agencies, and the public? Resource allocation: How are resources allocated and managed in each plan, including personnel, equipment, and supplies? Interagency coordination: To what extent do the plans facilitate coordination and collaboration among different agencies and organizations involved in the response? Legal and ethical considerations: Are legal and ethical considerations addressed in each plan, such as compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical standards? Identify Similarities and Differences.

Identify similarities between your simulated emergency response plan and the real-life emergency response plan, noting areas where both plans demonstrate alignment with best practices and effective strategies. Highlight differences or areas for improvement in your simulated plan compared to the real-life plan. Consider whether there are any gaps, deficiencies, or areas where your plan could be enhanced based on insights from the real-life