Unit 7 P3

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Pages: 5

Unit 7:Understanding the Creative Media Sector

In this report I will explain the Gaming Industry to you. I will explain the structure, Who Makes the game and what part they do in it selling, Ownership who owns the game. Then I will explain Legal and Ethical Constraints Which will explain Issues with games and examples of some from the past. Finally I will be telling you about the Regulatory Issues in gaming and which companies regulate and monitor the gaming industry, I will be explaining their roles and I will use examples of what they do in the gaming industry.

Roles in the Industry
In the gaming Industry there is multiple role to get the game to the public. There is Developers, Publishers, Distributors, Hardware Manufacturers and
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However there are two main types of Distributors Digital and Physical. Digital distributors like Steam and Origin are companies that distributes the game to the public without going through a retailer. There are advantages and disadvantages too this way of distributing the game. The advantages are, there is no stock problems it is easy and simple to buy from the websites. The Developers can make easy updates to the game and if you download the full game after the update it doesn't make you update it on start up which can be a hassle to some gamers. Disadvantages are that you don't have the game physically you don't get the pride of having the game cases on your shelf and showing off how many games you have. The idea of digital distribution changes the gaming industry, with new possibilities and easier distribution. Physical distributors are the people who help get the games to the retailers. These people stock the games in warehouses all across the world. One British distributor is CREATIVEDISTRIBUTION Ltd this company stock games of companies like 2k, Nintendo, Activision, WB games and Eidos. This helps the company get the games around the world before release date without giving it to the retailers …show more content…
Also in the gaming industry you will have to think about the legal and ethical issues that could occur, these may include; Copyright, Data protection, Ethnic issues. These are a few examples of what your game could be penalised for.
Legal issues are a concern within the computer gaming industry. When the industry first came about, there were no laws or rules to control the content of these games, or who could play them. Copyright is one of the largest Legal issues in the industry. In 1974 there was a claim over the game 'Pong'. The legal issue was that Magnavox claimed that they made a electronic Ping-Pong game before Bushnell's Pong, and Pong was a copyright infringement of their game, as well as other similarities in other companies. By the end of this law suit Magnavox agreed that Atari could by licensing for the Pong game for $700,000. Which I think personally is a very cheap escape for Atari and that Magnavox could have got more. Copyright protects original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression. These specifically include things like literary works, musical scores, pictures (both static and motion picture), and dramatic works. It does not protect ideas, processes, concepts, or discoveries, and this is where people often get copyright wrong. Copyright covers the text of your design doc, but it does