The legislation relating to general health and safety in social care work settings:
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Reporting of Injury, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (PPE) 1992
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (amended 2002)
Health and safety policies and procedures are there to set out what must be done to help run and maintain a safe place of work and to meet the requirements of health and safety legislation. For example there must be safe entrances and exits to the workplace (to make sure that nothing is blocking the entrances/exits),and if using equipment it must be safe to use and tested regularly so risks to health and safety are minimised. It is also important that risk assessments are in place to protect vulnerable groups.
1) Self – Always attend the appropriate training offered to me, to minimise any risk of danger and possibility of injury and harm to service users, others and myself. Report and record any health and safety concerns. To tell my employer if there is anything that might affect my ability to work and to make sure I understand the companies safety policies and procedures.
2) Employer/Manager - The main health and safety responsibilities are: make sure every member of staff is aware of his/her responsibilities with regard to Health and Safety Policy, ensure that the workplace is safe, Assess and minimise risks, provide health and safety training, information and supervision, and to provide welfare and first aid facilities and if needed provide protective clothing .
3) Others – All staff and visitors including service users, relatives, doctors, nurses and anyone involved must follow all Health and Safety procedures…follow instructions for use of equipment and report any health and safety concerns.
Tasks that should not be carried out without special training include use of equipment, for example hoists and slings, first aid if not fully trained, administering medication, health care procedures, moving and handling, blood pressure and temperature, food handling and preparation.
In order to access additional support and information relating to health and safety I would refer to my senior/ manager, also take into account the companies policies and procedures, also attend regular training .
It is important to assess any health and safety hazards posed by the work setting to minimise any potential risks to prevent injury to not only the service users, but to work colleagues or even visitors including family.
I would report any potential health and safety risks that have been identified immediately to my senior/ manager verbally and make a written report if necessary.
Risk assessment can help address dilemnas between rights and health and safety concerns, as the risk assessment highlight the risk involved, and if there is any dilemna as to whether the service user could carry out an activity, there will be legal documentation to state that an employee has notified the client of the risks involved in the activity they want to participate in .
The accidents and sudden illness that might occur in my work setting are back injuries through not using the correct manual handling procedure technique . If there are any wet floors slips and falls may occur. Stomach upset by food poisoning by food stored incorrectly.
Any accidents that may occur at the workplace must be recorded in the accident report book. When recording an incident it must include: the date, the time and place of where the incident took place, personal details of those involved