The question that now arises from this incident is, “Should our national security be shared with the public domain?” Personally, I have trust in our government because we are a democracy and we elected those individuals into office and expect them to do their responsibility. Now don’t get me wrong sometime the individual(s) that we elect turn out to be a disaster, but our government should be normal most of the time just by looking at the precedent. Therefore, it should be their choice to give out confidential information. As I stated earlier, the marginal benefit of the public knowing information is too little to risk. On the other hand the marginal cost is way too heavy to carry. According to economic thinking, when something marginal cost outweigh it benefit then you should try to find an alternative solution, product, or ideas. To have a country running normally and efficiently then the government should keep the people happy because once the public turn on you, it will be hard to get them back. Sharing information about national security could show some sign of