Universal Healthcare In The US Essay

Submitted By ilive2inspire
Words: 1066
Pages: 5

Universal healthcare in the U.S. outline
Jason Mitchell

1. Everyone would agree that a good healthcare system, contributes to an overall healthy individual. While the U.S. is considered a world leader in numerous categories, that they are judged in; however, the U.S. healthcare system remains probably one of the worst in the world. Just image what your life would be like if you were one of the millions of Americans without medical coverage. Over 50 million Americans are currently without health coverage for themselves and their families. Not to mention there has been a rising rate in people under the age of 65 without healthcare coverage. Even though our nation has some of the world’s best cutting edge medical services and hospitals, many Americans don’t have access to the services they need. Healthcare isn’t an issue that should be taken lightly.
2. Basic information about each countries health care system a. The average life span in the U.S. is 78.74 years while the average lifespan in France is 82.57. That is a difference of 3.83 years. b. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the average mortality rate for a child between the ages of 1-4 is high with the number of deaths being 4,068, and the Death rate per 100,000 is 25.5. In France the average mortality rate for a child under the age of 5 is at an estimated average of 3.31 per 1,000 live births. c. The number of uninsured people in the U.S. in 2013 was estimated to be 41 million individuals while the number of uninsured individuals in France less than 3% is uninsured.
3. I think the U.S should have a universal healthcare program because most people don’t have any problems paying for vehicle and/or their car insurance fees. Would we not agree that our healthcare is just as important as ours cars and houses. Healthcare should be available to everyone. Overall, if the U.S. was to engage in a universal healthcare system there may be fewer individuals that will abuse the emergency room in the hospital wanting drugs. There are over 50 million people in the U.S, without healthcare coverage, how can we be the land of the free if so many people can’t afford healthcare.
II. U.S. health care system
1. The health care system works like this it is based largely on a private system which is owned and operated by private sector businesses. According to statistics 58% of U.S. hospitals are non-profit, 21% are government owned, and 21% are for profit.
2. Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of families and communities through promotion of healthy lifestyles, research for disease and injury prevention and detection and control of infectious diseases. Private health care means healthcare and medicine provided by entities other than the government. Health insurance plans are run by private insurance companies and you may be responsible for paying for all or some of your coverage.
3. Statistics about the U.S. healthcare system

a. The number of individuals that are uninsured in the U.S. over 50 million.
b. The average length of time waiting for medical care is extremely high with the average 18.5 days. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2014/01/29/in-cities-the-average-doctor-wait-time-is-18-5-days/
c. The amount of money of money spent on healthcare research in the U.S. is 3.8 trillion in 2014 with costs expected to rise again this year.
d. I think the above information supports my position on why the U.S. should have a universal health care system is because if you look at how healthcare is compared to other countries and in the U.S. you will see that they don’t spend half as much as the U.S. does, but they offer better quality healthcare for individuals. In France along when a person is diagnosed with an illness such as cancer there is no cost to a person or their family because the government picks up 100% of their healthcare costs including surgeries, therapies and drugs. The U.S. should